Today's title is for my husband, who like me loves to quote movies. That quote is from Boogie Nights, when Dirk Diggler is showing Amber Waves his ultra rad home purchased from 70s porn movie money. Ahhh, the 70s. I love that movie. So many good lines to quote..
Only my dojo does not have the charm of Dirk’s digs…last night it resembled what I have always thought a Turkish prison might look like. I missed karate last week because I had this nasty bug that’s been going around and didn’t want to infect the class. And I guess because it was snowing only three people showed up. Which meant that Sensei Tom really had it in for us last night.
He started the class with words of wisdom about working through the pain, how when we were at the most tired is where we have the opportunity to shine. After all, if you won’t always be confronted on the mean streets of suburban Detroit fully rested and hydrated. Some attacker might wish to strike after you’ve run a marathon, which is basically how I felt after the workout I got last night.
I can’t really describe it all because at some point I just blacked out from the pain, but I can tell you that right at the end, I ended up being cheered on by the entire (mostly adolescent) class because I was having trouble holding up one leg and hopping across the room on the other.
But I did perfect my basic self defense #1, and I got a few “great job, Liz” kudos from the Sensei. So maybe he was on to something. At one point I really wanted to throw up, he said, “you will thank me for this later” and I really have to say that by the time I left the class I was so high on endorphins that it’s a good thing “driving under the influence of good martial arts” isn’t a violation under the Motor Vehicles Act.
I slept like a baby, then woke up and ran two miles. So thanks, Sensei Tom. That yellow stripe is mine on February 6!
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