Sunday, July 17, 2011

Babies Babies Babies

I need a strategy to address the “unexpected” arrival of babies.  I know, I know, I usually have a few months to prepare a gift for my friends and family who have wee ones, but for some reason I always procrastinate and never have something hand made for the big day.  And most of you will probably think, “who the hell cares, just go to Target like everyone else, get a six-pack of receiving blankets and some cute outfit and you’re done.”  But no, I can’t do that.  I wasn’t raised that way.  I grew up watching my mom make layette sets and blankies for everyone, from her multiple nieces and nephews to the lady she pays for gas at the local Speedway.  Call it handmade snobbery, call it some kind of Martha Stewart-induced obsession, but I’ve got to make things for babies.

Except my own of course.  You have heard the phrase, “the cobblers children have no shoes”?  This knitter’s daughters have no blankets.  Every blanket I’ve ever started for them ends up in the hands of someone else. 
So I showed you all the  blanket I made for my friend Em who is having a boy sometime soon—the due date is a moving target, but he’s expected sometime (they can’t stay in there forever).  My niece also had a baby earlier this month, and a good friend of mine, Mike, became a dad for the first time this summer.  For Mike, I wasn’t sure if I was going to make him something—I haven’t seen him in forever, but he and I go way back (I remember him as a wee boy), so it’s just so sweet to see him as the awesome adult I knew he’d be.  So here’s what I made for his little boy…..

The blanket, a crochet pattern that I use for nearly every baby blanket I make (really, I need a new schtick, but it’s just so quick to make).  And the bear, which is a new addition to my repartee.  I pretty much love this little guy, and plan to make more.  The best part about him and the blanket is that he’s made from yarn that is made from recycled plastic bottles—which is cool, although I will never figure out how they do that.  And it’s all machine washable—ideal for spit up, blow outs, dirt, strained peas, and tears from mom and dad. . .

Do I expect everything I make to become an heirloom?  Oh, god no.  That’s why I make everything machine washable.  I want parents to USE the gifts I give them.  And would they probably use a bouncy seat or a wipe warmer more often?  Probably.  But you can’t snuggle a wipe warmer.  At least not without some discomfort.  

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Belt Test Today

My youngest karate-ka and I tested for our next belt promotion today.  I'd like to say that I kicked butt, I don't think I did.  Every time I go through one of these I get all psyched up to do well, and then when I'm done, I go over in my head all the little stupid things I did during the test that I should have done better.  Not to mention that no one enjoys being judged--and if you do you are insane.  So imagine standing in front of a panel of 10+ pairs of eyes, looking at every flaw.  Well, if you're me, you turn red and start to sweat profusely, grateful for the fact that the end is near.  

I couldn't help but notice that the person who was "grading" me was taking copious notes.  Ugh!  I'm sure she wasn't because I was so great she wanted to gush about my grace under extreme pressure....And of course by inviting her to take up residence in my head during the test I know that I screwed up a couple of strikes, foot forms and at one point, my voice cracked during a sound-off like I was Peter Brady going through puberty ("when it's time to change...").

Here's some highlights.  I was actually proud of my roundhouse kick:

And I love this self-defense.  It's "bear hug over the arms," and requires you to reach behind and do a groin grab (assuming a man is doing this and that would actually hurt), followed by an elbow strike, aikido hand hold, snap kick to the face, and a takedown.  I love takedowns, I probably shouldn't love them as much as I do..

After I did my test, my daughter did hers--she was the only one in her belt rank going for a promotion, and she did great! When I think about how nervous I was, at least I'm not five years old, standing by myself in front of a bunch of adults.  What courage she showed!  Here's a picture of the two of us.  I'm such a proud mama-san:

Did we pass?  Well, we shall see tomorrow night!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Travel Knitting and Motion Sickness

We went to Florida last week.  I packed a simple scarf I've been working on for my dear nephew Josh, who I promised to make a scarf for for next christmas.  It is a simple pattern, K4P4, then P4K4 the opposite row.  I have crocheted in the car on road trips before, so I figured that knitting would be just fine.  Uh, no.  Whatever part of the brain I use to crochet must not be the same part that controls knitting because I was sooo queasy when I tried to knit more than 2 rows at time.  But the good news is that a 20 hour car ride is plenty of time to get in some quality knitting even if you're not trying.

So the scarf is almost done, and then it's on to Breton Girl..for me!!  I'm making it in grey and black...depending on how it turns out I may have to give it to someone..because I can't help myself.  I'm also attempting to finish socks, which are the bane of my existence.  socks, which seem so small and easy to make, pretty much take up weeks and weeks of delicate knitting.  Ack.

In other news, I'm going to test for my purple belt this next weekend.  I haven't gotten formal approval, but I'm so confident in my abilities that I know I will walk in and they'll literally stop the test to give me my belt right there.  Okay, so maybe that won't happen, but I'm regaining my confidence in that department and it feels good.  I also think my daughters will test for their belt promotions, so it will be a karate fest at my house for all the ladies!